discussioon forum 5

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    • #3325
      Oda Msuha

      In Tanzania 10million are estimated to be living with chronic condition.
      1.2 people are living with disability.
      the incidence of road injuries estimated to be 1.4 million

    • #3451

      In Cambodia, there is no data on prevalence on chronic conditions, except back pain consists of 1.2M out of 16M population. However, WHO 2019 report indicates that among the NDCs, four of them including cancer, diabetes, heart condition and respiratory disease account for 2/3 of all death in the country. Regarding disability, the Cambodia Demographic Health Survey 2021-2022 found that around 24% of population live with one or more disability.

      Road accident injuries report by government in 2023 was 4380 people.

    • #3473
      [email protected]

      In Kenya, hearing loss is the leading condition (2.4m people), musculoskeletal conditions at 100k, neurological conditions at 100k, other injuries at 1.2 mm and low back pain at 100m among others.

    • #3489
      [email protected]

      In the United States:
      129 million people live with at least one major chronic disease. (CDC)
      42.5 million people have a disability (US Census.gov)
      Incidence of road safety injuries is decreasing – it fell by 4.6% in 2021 (2.5 million people) to 2.38 million people in 2022. Concomitantly, the injury rate per 100 million vehicle miles traveled (VMT) fell from 80 in 2021 to 75 in 2022.

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