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Rehabilitation in Tanzania:

There has been a gradual expansion of rehab in health services, with rehabilitation departments and expertise present in national and zonal hospitals and an increasing number of regional hospitals. However, rehab services are still really lacking in district hospitals and primary health care facilities as well as in the communities such as homes, schools and work places. The barriers to access are worse for rural and remote communities. Lack of established referral pathways between levels of the health care system as well as as shortage in rehabilitation workforce further impedes barrier to access to rehab services.

The National Health Insurance Fund covers physiotherapy and rehabilitation services to inpatients and outpatients where the facility has specialists for the related services. However, only 5% of the population in Tanzania are covered through the national health insurance as per the rATA survey. Provision of ATs is also limited as part of the national health insurance schemes. For example, eye glasses are only given to the principle member, hearing aids are not provided and there is no mention of mobility aids that are provided as part of the minimum benefits package.