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1. Using Telerehabilitation as a case study, put yourself in the shoes of an implementation facilitator, and reflect upon the fit of Telerehabilitation using the following discussion prompts:

• How does the proposed intervention fit with the priorities of your organizations?

In Uganda, Ministry of Health is mandated to handle all related health issues and within the Ministry, there is a division of Disability and Rehabilitation that handles any rehabilitation and AT issues within the country and the mission is to provide the highest possible level of health services to all people in Uganda through delivery of rehabilitative health and AT services at all levels. The division is also aligning the rehabilitation and AT strategic plan to the other health policies. Since the ministry is trying to achieve the Universal health coverage by taking rehabilitation and AT services to the last mile, embracing telerehabilitation to help in the assessment, referral and management of patients who need rehabilitation and AT services from the community or primary health care workers to rehabilitation professionals. The division is also prioritizing data capturing for rehabilitation and AT services to help in advocacy and policy for rehabilitation and AT.

• How does it fit with community values, including the values of diverse cultural groups?

The telerehabilitation Apps used by ReLAB-HS in Uganda and by the primary health care workers was designed in consultation with other stakeholders in which the community values and the diversity of the culture was taken in to consideration. It capture the vital information required by the ministry of health policy. It capture the data which was already being captured within the health facilities in addition to the rehabilitation need information.

2. Using the Telerehabilitation as a case study, put yourself in the shoes of an implementation facilitator, and reflect upon how to facilitate the Telerehabilitation using the following discussion prompts:

• What strategies could you use to target key stakeholders’ awareness, knowledge, attitudes, and intention to integrate the new intervention?

Engagement with key stakeholders at the policy level pointing out the need to shift to technology to ease service delivery in rehabilitation field. Highlighting the benefit the intervention will bring in the service delivery of rehabilitation. Enhances their knowledge on the telerehabilitation apps, how it will work and data capturing of the rehabilitation services, how the technology will help save money on human resource since the already available primary health care worker cand be trained to use the app and no need to higher rehabilitation professionals up to community level.

• What strategies could you use to target the motivation and capability of individuals and organizations to engage in implementation process strategies to integrate the new intervention?

Designing an awareness raising strategy which spells out clearly what telerehabilitation is and why telerehabilitation mode of service delivery. Pointing out the benefit of embracing telerehabilitation, the shortcoming and how it will take rehabilitation services to the last mile, the ability of data capturing and achieving more.