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1. For Needs Assessment: The evidence that i need to identify factors and levels posing the greatest barriers to rehabilitation in in my population may include Rapid Assessment Survey 2023 that is available and ready for use. More so there is Uganda Bueural of Statistics population Census carried out i 2024 tat may speak to the number of persons with Disabilities in Uganda. This kind of data will inform the interventions needed and perhaps identify the gaps as far as Rehabilitation is concerned. In addition to that more surveys, Medical records and Health Information Management System would sources for data to identify gaps.

2.By; Ensuring that all the information and communication on Rehabilitation and AT is inclusive for the public to be able to acquire knowledge on the same. Due to my expertise it should be deliberate that all the information is facilitated or oriented in away that it can be accessed by especially persons with Disabilities by use of braille and sign language formats and also translated into local languages to reach the most vulnerable people who include older persons and the illiterates.

3. The formative research that would be the most appropriate would be Community based /Household Survey/Research because all issues start in the community and end in the community and besides it is community people that may be facing such challenges when it comes to access to Rehabilitation

4.Development of a communication strategy on Rehabilitation and AT which may include activities such as Education via mass campaigns on rehabilitation since there is limited knowledge on it. This could be another way of sensitizing the population on especially what rehabilitation means, who is eligible for rehabilitation, among other areas.
More so there is need to have Uganda National Strategic plan for rehabilitation which will be a very crucial tool to inform the work plans of different stakeholders in the country.
In addition to that, Engagement of various stakeholders from national level up to communities. The policy makers : members of parliament should be engaged on rehabilitation needs for them to have knowledge that will inform their decisions during budget allocation.
Digitalization of rehabilitation in order to reach the hard to reach areas and persons who may be in need for rehabilitation for example by use of Telerehabilitation.
Strengthen Monitoring and Evaluation on Rehabilitation interventions is very critical
More research and Surveys

5. These are biases based on Disability, Gender, ethnicity, race, sexual orientation, income inequalities and levels, education attainment levels, employment status among others which will affect the impact of acceptability, adoption, cost, fidelity, penetration sustainability and monitoring and Evaluation in one way or the other.