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1. Using your knowledge of the frameworks, what aspects of the intervention will you focus on to guide your planning and eventual success of the intervention?
A.Evidence based practices (incorporate interventions with strong evidence of efficacy in stroke rehabilitation), B.Multidisciplinary approach (teamwork required), C. Patient centered care D. Care continuum (short term and long-term outcome), E.Education and support. We will use RE AIM framework. 1. Define the target population for the intervention, including stroke patients eligible for rehabilitation services, caregivers, and healthcare providers involved in care delivery. 2. Specify the desired outcomes of the intervention, such as improvements in motor function, cognitive abilities, quality of life, and functional independence. 3. Engage healthcare providers and facilities in adopting evidence-based rehabilitation practices, establish partnerships with rehabilitation centers, and promote adherence to guidelines. 4. Develop standardized protocols for delivering rehabilitation interventions, ensure adequate training for healthcare professionals, and address barriers to implementation.5. Design strategies for sustaining the intervention’s impact over time, including long-term follow-up care, community support programs, and continuity of services post-discharge.
2. What indicators will you use to monitor the success of the intervention on an ongoing basis?
1. Rehabilitation integrated into health plans 2. Priority assistive product list 3. Rehabilitation expenditure 4. Rehabilitation personnel density 5. Rehabilitation beds and day program places 6. Rehabilitation in tertiary hospitals 7. Rehabilitation integrated secondary and primary level 8. Rehabilitation utilization and effectiveness (add one or 2 indicators) RIM WHO 2019.
What steps will you take to ensure adequate monitoring and evaluation of the intervention? 1.Define clear objective and outcome 2. Select good indicators (suitable), 3. Establish baseline 4. Regular monitoring and reporting 5. Documentation 6. Make changes and adopt