Reply To: Using the Telerehabilitation as a case study

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1. I will approach this part by first conducting a fact finding mission through the community to identify the needs and the existing gap (e.g. what is practiced and what is lacking, number of organizations supporting the tele-rehabilitation, what are the barriers, how will the tel-rehab fit the intended community, readiness of the consumers users) and then disseminate the information to the key stake holders through different approach e.g. e-mails, stakeholder meeting, local leader meetings and consumers meeting, funders meeting, and tele-companies suggestion ond developing an easy program that will benefit all users
2. I will have to develop acceptable and eligible tools to help the intervention fit the community and easy. Mode of tele rehabilitation that will be used whether synchronized mode or asynchronized mode depending on the context (this will depend on the individual users affordability, accessibility and ability to use technology, listening and align the program to fit the user needs). By ensuring capacity building to the service providers through seminars and workshops and proper and timely reporting to policy makers, funders and the administrating authorities.