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    • #3112

      Please provide a brief introduction (including name, position/role, experience) and two to three expectations you have for this course.

    • #3148
      [email protected]

      Fredrick Echeku-Communication Officer-ReLAB-HS Uganda

    • #3149
      [email protected]

      Once word that comes to mind when i hear rehabilitation is functional limitation

    • #3150
      [email protected]

      Functional limitation

    • #3155
      [email protected]

      Restoration of function to normal/near normal after injury/chronic illness

    • #3156
      [email protected]

      To enhance and restore functional ability and quality of life to those with disabilities (This is Uyanga, u can call me Uka from Mongolia- PM&R physician)

    • #3157
      [email protected]

      Hi everyone I am Mathew Shayo physiotherapist clinician working at Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre (KCMC) and an assistant lecturer at the Kilimanjaro Christian Medical University College (KCMUCo)-Tanzania. Currently I am the head of Physiotherapy Department. As a leader and instructor I am expecting to expand my knowledge in integrating rehabilitation services at all levels of health hierarchy at our country trough teaching and research, as well as exploring the global approach in provision of rehabilitation services including the use of assistive technology.

    • #3161
      [email protected]

      Hello everyone, I am Munguntuul (Mogi), a rehabilitation doctor at the National Trauma and Orthopedic Research Center of Mongolia. My expectations from this course:
      1. To gain a deeper understanding of the role and significance of rehabilitation medicine in the health care system.
      2. Learn how to develop a specific strategic plan suitable for my own country and how to implement it effectively.
      3. Learn good experiences from other countries and expand our collaboration and network.

    • #3166
      [email protected]

      Hello everyone, My name is Ella. I am a physiotherapist from Burundi with 8 years of clinical, management, teaching and community projects experience in the field of disability and rehabilitation. I am passionate about contributing to the integration of rehabilitation into the health system of my country and eager to improve my knowledge and skills through this course. I expect to have opportunities of learning and networking from other countries.

    • #3173
      [email protected]

      Victoria Sande a public health physiotherapist, currently working as a rehabilitation focal person in Kilifi County , Kenya. I expect to gain knowledge and hone my skills in implementing rehabilitation programs in the community, I also expect to network with great friends and gain best practices from the the network of colleagues.

    • #3184

      My name is Yasmin Garcia, I am a Mexican Biomedical Engineer with a Master in Sciences on Rehabilitation Science and Technology.
      I work at the Pan American Health Organization, regional office as International Professional Consultant for Assistive Technology and I am currently supporting rehabilitation activities as well.

      My experience is in implementing AT capacity assessments in the Caribbean, supporting systematic assessments of the rehabilitation situation in the Caribbean, and supporting the developing of national strategic plan for rehab and AT, monitoring and evaluation frameworks.
      I also implemented a regional consultation on the regulatory situation of assistive products in the Americas as part of my work at PAHO.
      Previous to my work in PAHO, I worked for Momentum Wheels for Humanity as Technical Advisor for project implementation, product design and development, product sourcing for CLASP and coordination of the Product Advisory Council for few time.
      My role at PAHO is in providing technical support to countries to strengthen rehabilitation services and access to AT.

      From this course I expect to increase my leadership skills, gain confidence in my knowledge and experience to become an effective leader in the sector. Learn more about systems thinking and strategies to guide teams in the design, plan and implementation of new policies and rehab and AT programs to increase access to these two health interventions.

    • #3213
      [email protected]

      iam a pharmcacist and palliative care expert,expect to improve knowledge in rehabilitation,improve coverage to get lerdership skills, strengthening the system and planning

    • #3216
      [email protected]

      Good day everyone, ii am KINTU EDMUND a health administrator and an associate prosthetist Orthotist from UGANDA the pearl of Africa. I currently work with the Uganda Allied Health Professional Council under ministry of Health. I look forward to learning from rehabilitation leaders from other countries on how to Improved our services in the country and also learn effective policies that can totally transform our growing rehabilitation health sector including improving the education of our professionals.

    • #3254
      [email protected]

      Good day everyone! I am Naima Mbwana, A Registered Nurse and a public health practitioner from TANZANIA. I am currently working as a Monitoring and evaluation officer in Health at a non-profit start-up organization known as WEZESHA based in Tanzania. I have worked in the health field for about 4 years now and have gotten to interact with patients in need of rehabilitation services but limited to access such services.

      In this course, I hope to acquire a deeper insight into transforming and enhancing the availability of rehabilitation services in our country and making them more accessible and cost-effective for everyone. I also aim to develop my leadership skills, gain confidence, and acquire experience as I become an advocate for these services.

    • #3354
      [email protected]

      My name is Gyezaho Collins and I am an ICT Officer / Health Informatician with 6 years of experience in the healthcare field, to be specific, population health research.
      As an ICT/Software Developer/Health Informatician with experience in both technology and healthcare, I am enthusiastic about the transformative potential of rehabilitation in healthcare. With advancements in technology, I believe that the role of ICT professionals in this field is crucial to enhancing patient outcomes and improving the overall healthcare landscape.

      My Expectations

      1. In-depth Understanding of Healthcare Rehabilitation: I expect to gain a comprehensive understanding of the principles, practices, and ethical considerations involved in rehabilitation.

      2. Collaborative Learning: I anticipate engaging in collaborative learning experiences with healthcare professionals, rehabilitation specialists, and fellow ICT professionals

      3. Lastly, Integration of Technology into Rehabilitation Processes

    • #3389
      [email protected]

      Hi my name is Lena I’m from Zambia my expectation during this course at that 1.
      to get deeper understanding of the row of rehabilitation
      to develop plans for my country that I effective do rehabilitation in the health care system

    • #3404
      Zaynab Khalfan

      Hello everyone
      My name is Zaynab Khalfan environmental health officer|health informatician.i have been working on under data management and analysis in rural area with low resources settings experience a big gap in rehabilitation services.
      Am excited to join this forum to gain insights on issue of rehabilitation and how will integrate my ICT skills with implementation science skills to develop strategic tools to scale up rehabilitation services

    • #3431

      Hi everyone. Hoeung Heam (call me Hoeung) is here. I am from Cambodia currently a Chair of the Cambodian Physical Therapy Association (CPTA). Regarding my background, I am a physiotherapist began my initial work for a rehabilitation center in 2002 and continue to two senior physiotherapy role until 2010. I then moved to work in rehabilitation service management and coordination engaged in policy and guideline development, research, evaluation and training. Currently, I am working with stakeholders to support the Ministry of Health to produce rehabilitee policy and service guideline for rehabilitation.

      I am appreciate to be part of this blending course by John Hopkin University. I hope that:
      1) I will learn the principle, framework, concepts, and evidence of effective ways / strategy for rehabilitation
      2) I will be able to learn more from other participants on rehabilitation in particular when it is place under health system
      3) I can connect with good friends who are working in rehabilitation so that I will continue to learn and share with them

    • #3469
      [email protected]

      Hi everyone,

      My name is Ashmita Singh, and I am an anthropologist currently pursuing a Master of Public Health at the University of Alberta. I also work as a Research Assistant at the Rehabilitation Robotics Lab. I aim to deepen my understanding of the structural development of rehabilitation within the healthcare system.

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