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    • #3400
      Oda Msuha

      NGOs which are working in Tanzania to meat the Rehabilitation of the population includes;
      .Community based rehabilitation such as CCRBT, Karagwe CBR program etc
      .Tanzania society of Deaf foundation
      .Rehab Health foundation
      .Cheshire Foundation in Tanzania

      2. Tanzania is among the countries using the WHO Guide to Action

      3. Parents of children with disability experience financial problem to support their children for Medical care and Rehabilitation as the lack health insurance. and since they use their time taking care of their disabled child their economic situation is poor thus difficult to buy assistive devices like wheel chair. as a result compliance to rehabilitation service is minimal and the consequence and complications of the condition is high.

    • #3452

      1) In Cambodia, there are three INGO are working in rehibition service: HI, ICRC, and Exceed World Wide. In addition, Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) and HI, is running a 5-year program to support AT in the country.

      2) Officially, Cambodia is not using the WHO Guide to Action for its rehabilitation policy and service delivery. However, there are some initiatives for using it developing rehabilitation guidelines under development partner support. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Health (MoH) is considering to use the Guide for developing its rehabilitation policies and service guidelines. While government directive is to handover the rehabilitation to the ministry from the Ministry of Social Affairs, it is remained to be seen because the transition have not happen yet.

      3) In Cambodia, rehabilitation service is limited, in particular, after some INGOs have not able to continue their support rehabilitation sector in the country. This leads to many people in particular children, women and elderly with disability cannot access to rehabilitation service. For example, last year I conducted a research on caring for children with disability, and many of the moderate to severe children with disability do not have a wheelchair or seating device for their daily life, caring, and preventing more complications.

    • #3733
      [email protected]

      In my country, most of the rehabilitation programs are implemented by government and private health facilities. Most of the INGOs and CBOs are focused on dealing with humanitarian and development programs. That good thing, those interventions done by INGOs and CBS highly contribute indirectly to addressing rehabilitation programs as well. I think it is very important to involve rehabilitation services to bring community resilience by building the capacity of the health system at the national and sub-national levels.

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