Exercise 3

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    • #3289
      [email protected]

      From my research, I have learned that while both Turkey and Syria have laws and policies in place to support people with disabilities, the implementation and effectiveness of these measures vary significantly due to differing socio-political contexts. Turkey has made substantial progress in building accessible infrastructure and promoting inclusive policies, but challenges remain, especially for refugees. In Syria, the ongoing conflict has severely hampered the implementation of disability laws, resulting in inconsistent access to necessary services, particularly in regions not under government control.

      Change Recommendation:

      I would recommend increasing international cooperation and support to enhance the infrastructure and implementation of accessibility measures in conflict-affected regions. This would involve not only funding but also technical assistance to ensure that rehabilitation and accessibility services are effectively provided to all who need them, reducing the overall impact of disability and improving quality of life.

    • #3300
      [email protected]

      discriminate against the disabled people; fighting against discrimination is the basic principle of the policies towards the disabled people. b) The participation of the disabled people, their families and volunteer organizations are provided for the decisions to be taken in relation to disabled people

      I would recommend that more infrastructure is built suiting the disabled people too.

    • #3357
      [email protected]

      From my Research, I have learnt that laws and policies on disability exist and are clearly stated but lack implementation to the grassroot, involvement of the beneficiaries is still minimal and impractical.
      In addition, the high costs of rehabilitation services leaves out the low income earners who cannot afford these services, thus creating a big gap between the beneficiaries and the available services.

      I recommend further education and awareness, capacity building and empowerment of PWDs in Uganda and reduced costs of rehab services inorder to promote “INCLUSION FOR ALL” .

    • #3416
      [email protected]

      From my research, I have discovered a lack of specialized rehabilitation centers and multidisciplinary team members compared to the need. There is a greater need to increase the multidisciplinary rehabilitation workforce at least we will have a Physiatrist, Rehabilitation Engineers, Recreation Therapist, and Vocational Counselors. I would like to suggest more improvement in the education system, at least we will have Universities and put priorities on these areas.

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