Exercise 4

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    • #3391
      [email protected]

      From my observations, it is clear that the models of disability present in Syria and Turkey vary significantly depending on the region and the prevailing cultural and social attitudes.



      In many parts of Syria, especially conflict-affected areas, the moral model still influences how disabilities are perceived and managed. The stigma associated with disabilities can lead to social isolation and limited opportunities for individuals with disabilities.
      The medical model is prevalent in urban areas and healthcare settings, where the focus is on medical treatments and rehabilitation services to address disabilities.

      Turkey shows a more balanced approach with both medical and social models being implemented. In urban areas, there is a growing recognition of the social model, leading to better accessibility and inclusion initiatives.
      Efforts to integrate children with disabilities into mainstream education and to make public spaces accessible are examples of the social model in action.
      However, the medical model still dominates in many healthcare settings, where the emphasis is on treating and managing disabilities through medical interventions.
      One Thing I Would Change:

      Based on my observations, one significant change I would advocate for is the broader adoption and implementation of the social model of disability. This would involve:

      Increasing public awareness and education to reduce stigma and discrimination associated with disabilities.
      Enhancing accessibility in public spaces, transportation, and buildings to ensure that individuals with disabilities can participate fully in society.
      Promoting inclusive education and employment opportunities to empower individuals with disabilities and to highlight their contributions to society.
      By shifting the focus from solely medical interventions to creating an inclusive and accessible environment, we can significantly improve the quality of life for individuals with disabilities and foster a more inclusive society.

      Mohamad Dahhan

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