Home Forums Module 5 Forum NGO IMPACT IN REHAB SERVICE

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    • #3424
      Zaynab Khalfan

      There are several NGOs and organizations working in Tanzania, including to assist the rehabilitation services of the population:

      1. Comprehensive Community Based Rehabilitation in Tanzania (CCBRT): CCBRT is one of the largest NGOs in Tanzania focusing on disabilities, particularly through medical and rehabilitative services,but the most common challenge to community towards this institute is accessing their services and financial constraints from both side
      2.Tanzania Society for the Blind: This organization focuses on services for the visually impaired, including rehabilitation and assistive technology.

      3.Disability community: They work on disability inclusion and provide rehabilitation services.
      Despite of these NGO working much on assisting community in need but they can’t assist their member to have a required treatment with desired rehab service(good example of assistive tools) most commonly challenge for them is financial constraints.
      Unfortunately in my district there is no effort so far from those NGO,for community with low economy class that are majority of them they most commonly seek traditional healers and for some community that somehow capable they seek treatment at urban area

      Regarding the WHO Guide to Action, it’s important to note that WHO provides guidelines and frameworks for member states, including Tanzania, to improve healthcare and rehabilitation services. Each country may adopt and adapt these guidelines based on their specific needs and resources.

      Individuals with chronic diseases or disabilities in Tanzania often face challenges in accessing healthcare, rehab service ,assistive technology and stigma

      Efforts are ongoing to improve these aspects, but significant challenges remain. NGOs play a crucial role in bridging gaps in healthcare and rehabilitation services, working alongside government initiatives to improve access and quality of care for individuals with disabilities and chronic conditions in Tanzania.

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