Organizational Vision

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    • #3575
      [email protected]

      1.Vision of ministry of health Uganda;
      Is to have a healthy and productive population that contributes to socio-economic growth and national development.

      The Vision evolved from its Mission, which is to provide the highest possible level of health services to all people in Uganda through delivery of promotive, preventive, curative, palliative and rehabilitative health services at all levels”.

      2. Vision of Kyambogo University;
      is to be a center of academic and professional excellence and it’s core objectives are; creation and promotion of knowledge through research, capacity building and education and skills development.

      The mission of the faculty of special needs is to ensure equalization of opportunities of persons with disabilities and other special needs through human resource development and production of assistive devices for the promotion of learning and independent living. For this reason, all the students who study at the faculty undertake courses that are uniquely designed with skills in braille, sign language, mobility and orientation skills, early identification of learning needs and impairments in children, young people, and adults.

      Thus, vision evolved from the organization’s target and goal.

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