
Home Forums Module 5 Forum Rehabilitation

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    • #3406
      Margareth Chuwa

      In Tanzania, therefore, several NGOs are very important assisting in the rehabilitation needs of the population especially the chronic diseases or disabilities. These include the Comprehensive Community Based Rehabilitation in Tanzania (CCBRT), Tanzania Federation of Disabled People’s Organization (SHIVYAWATA) among other local and international non-governmental organizations that play central role in providing health and rehabilitation services and provision of assistive technology devices for persons with disability.
      Yes they face Challenges regarding accessibility of specialized services, insufficient financial resources, and relevant conditions. Availability is also an issue as the devices are expensive and not readily accessible especially in rural settings, and there is also low penetration of the devices as most care givers and health professionals have little knowledge of the products.The WHO Guide to Action on Disability and Rehabilitation Tanzania has ensured certain advances in the disability rights policies and the inclusive education policies approved are remain a challenge in the implementation of these policies due to the restrictions in resources.
      People with disability are not able easily to access services and assistance necessary for their wellbeing from governmental or public organizations, and as such they rely on NGOs and other community organization. These organizations offer more than just supply support, work to raise awareness, and improve the accommodations of and opportunities for the concerned populations. NGOs and some governmental organizations constituted a tiny starting step to fill the gaps and need more comprehensive and sustained approaches for the improvement of equitable access to health, rehabilitation, and assistive technology for disabled people in Tanzania.

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