rehabilitation services in Tanzania

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    • #3401
      Margareth Chuwa

      Rehabilitation therapies are not available to stroke patients at the KCMC. Tanzania may need to investigate alternate strategies, such tele-rehabilitation technologies, due to insufficient access to rehabilitation therapy by Mkoba EM, Sundelin G, Sahlen KG, Sörlin A.,2021.
      From the study on rehabilitation services in Tanzania one gets the general picture that though there exists a laid down framework of rehabilitation hospitals, outpatient centres, as well as hospital home services, there are still potential opportunities. The one that may be deemed vital to account for is the seeming lack of understanding about the necessity of rehabilitation in some of the healthcare field professionals. It has for instance been established that the benefits of referral to rehabilitation services may not well be understood by many health care providers hence why referral is often compromised and patients are not compensated with the best results.
      To fill such gaps, continuous effort and attention by the government are required to employ rehab professionals such as physical therapist, occupational therapist, and speech therapist. Thus, effecting an increase in the workforce would increase the number of patients being treated and cared for, thereby enabling them to recover and regain their natural functionality faster. The availability of equipment and space, as well as the level of modern technology, in many rehabilitation centers in Tanzania is often reported to be low, and these deficits surely have an impact on the kind of care that can be offered.
      Also promotion efforts aimed at raising the understanding of the general public and various professionals as to the indispensable role of rehabilitation in the entire healthcare spectrum. This can promote multi sector partnerships and relationships and seen to development of rehabilitation services as a core component of overall health strategies and frameworks.

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