Using the Telerehabilitation as a case study

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    • #3688
      [email protected]

      Using Telerehabilitation as a case study, put yourself in the shoes of an implementation facilitator, and reflect upon how to facilitate Telerehabilitation using the following discussion prompts:
      1. What strategies could you use to target key stakeholders’ awareness, knowledge, attitudes, and intention to integrate the new intervention?
      I will use the dissemination strategy. This includes: invitations to participate in the intervention will be sent via e-mail to potential stakeholders every week on weekends. The cases and quantitative statistics about the lack of access to rehabilitation treatment due to the lack of telerehabilitation will be distributed online as posters. Also, writing an article thanking the stakeholders for cooperation and sharing it on social networks will increase the motivation of other stakeholders to participate in the intervention.
      2. What strategies could you use to target the motivation and capability of individuals and organizations to engage in implementation process strategies to integrate the new intervention?
      I will use implementation process strategies for this. We focus on quality research. To assess whether the intervention fits the values ​​and needs of the partner organization, the strategic plan, vision, and values ​​of the main operation should be examined. Successful team building can be achieved through in-person interviews of individual values ​​and goals.

    • #3697
      [email protected]

      1. I will approach this part by first conducting a fact finding mission through the community to identify the needs and the existing gap (e.g. what is practiced and what is lacking, number of organizations supporting the tele-rehabilitation, what are the barriers, how will the tel-rehab fit the intended community, readiness of the consumers users) and then disseminate the information to the key stake holders through different approach e.g. e-mails, stakeholder meeting, local leader meetings and consumers meeting, funders meeting, and tele-companies suggestion ond developing an easy program that will benefit all users
      2. I will have to develop acceptable and eligible tools to help the intervention fit the community and easy. Mode of tele rehabilitation that will be used whether synchronized mode or asynchronized mode depending on the context (this will depend on the individual users affordability, accessibility and ability to use technology, listening and align the program to fit the user needs). By ensuring capacity building to the service providers through seminars and workshops and proper and timely reporting to policy makers, funders and the administrating authorities.

    • #3700
      Hoang Thuy Dung

      As an implementation facilitator, to ensure the successful integration of Telerehabilitation, In my opinion, it is crucial to employ strategies that enhance stakeholders’ awareness and knowledge through educational workshops and training programs, shape positive attitudes via success stories and testimonials, and foster motivation and capability by providing incentives, supportive leadership, hands-on training, and continuous technical support.
      To target the motivation and capability of individuals and organizations to engage in implementation process strategies for integrating Telerehabilitation, I would use the following strategies:

      1. Incentive Programs: Introduce rewards and recognition for individuals and teams who demonstrate effective use and integration of Telerehabilitation, motivating them to engage more deeply with the process.

      2. Leadership Support: Ensure visible and active support from organizational leaders, which can boost morale and demonstrate the organization’s commitment to Telerehabilitation.

      3. Skills Development: Provide comprehensive and ongoing training sessions, workshops, and hands-on practice opportunities to enhance the technical skills and confidence of healthcare professionals.

    • #3701
      [email protected]

      Q1. What strategies could I use to target key stakeholder’s awareness, knowledge, attitude and intention to integrate the new intervention?

      To advance the integration of the new intervention, it is crucial to employ specific strategies that target key stakeholders’ awareness, knowledge, attitude, and intention. Identifying the pertinent stakeholders, such as medical professionals, managers and administrators, clients (Individuals or homes, clinics, schools, residential care homes, and other community facilities ), and external entities (technical groups, policymakers), is an essential initial step. Subsequently, developing tailored programs to address awareness, attitude, and knowledge barriers related to the new interventions can effectively engage these stakeholders.

    • #3702
      [email protected]

      Q2. What strategies could I use to target the motivation and capability of individuals and organizations to engage in implementation process strategies to integrate the new interventions?
      To encourage engagement and foster the integration of new interventions, it’s crucial to develop specific strategies that address the motivation and capability of both individuals and organizations. These strategies should be tailored to overcome the particular implementation challenges or obstacles identified during the early stages of implementation. In the specific case we’re examining, the aim is to tackle hurdles at the individual, organizational, and technical levels.
      Some potential implementation strategies include organizing educational meetings, utilizing audit and feedback techniques, and incorporating clinical reminders. These strategies show promise in promoting the adoption of evidence-based practices among rehabilitation professionals.

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