Why rehabilitation

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    • #3248
      [email protected]

      Rehabilitation is an important component of UHC. the rehabilitation service should be availed for every person at places where he/she can access them. To avail and use rehabilitation services, it is very important to create awareness in the wider community and establish institutions that can deliver the minimum service to the community. Rehabilitation services are tailored from the highest medical care centers or highly trained professionals at the local community level.
      Rehabilitation improves the quality of human life and increases productivity. So to address the deep-rooted poverty in low-income countries, it is very mandatory to include the necessary rehabilitation services in the existing health system. In addition, it is also very mandatory to be included in the normal education system as the training package.

    • #3252
      [email protected]

      At a policy level; Rehabilitation guides decision makers to plan and budget for effective quality rehabilitative services, Coupled with regulatory policies guiding implementation and delivery of services.

      At individual Level; Rehabilitation improves the quality of human life and increases productivity since a person gets back to normal body function.

      With rehabilitation there is increased independence in all activities of self care and reduces burden of care.

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