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1. Leadership behavior can be taught vs leaders are born. What do you think? Provide your rationale and an example of a born and made leader.

I beleive that some leaders are born depending on the inherent personality traits that characterise their lineage. But that doesn’t exclude the fact that they need to be taught to acquire leadership skills and maturity, instead their leadership potential may be lost or misused. Others are not born but can become depending on the environment in which they are raised in case it’s one which promotes leadership. Then, they can learn it and become leaders. For example, first borns in families tend to look like born leaders. They tend to develop independance and autorithy skills.

2. Post your reflections on your strengths, areas that need attention, and development priorities as identified by the emotional intelligence questionnaire on the discussion board.

As identified by the emotional intelligence questionnaire, i found myself to possess many of the characteristcs of a leader and fall into the team manager leadership style. Nevertheless, some areas of improvements like social skills development need more attention. Also, i tend to be easily demotivated and discouraged when my team members are not copping and evolving as intended.

3. Research some vision statements of various organizations. Post at least two such statements on the discussion forum and explain how these may have evolved.

Lilian fund’s vision : We Want inclusive societies with equal rights and opportunities for children and young people with a disability.
World Physiotherapy’s vision is to move physiotherapy forward so the profession is recognised globally for its significant role in improving health and wellbeing. Though it has the name changed, the vision statement remained the same. An organization which started woth 11 organizations members to actually more than 120 members have surely evolved in its vision to impact more region in the world.

4. Post your reflections on building strong leadership and increasing political support for rehabilitation of your country on the discussion board.

In my country, leadership and political support have evolved from the past 10 years in the health sector, where the ministry of health invests in developping physiotherapy services accross the country. But there is a need to train stakeholders on the broader concept of rehabilitation to optimize government investment. In fact, political leaders tend to depend on external finanacial and technical support to support and sustain rehab services. Building strong leadership may happen if governmental bodies nominated rehab professionals as focal points to technically support gouvernment efforts to support rehabilitation.