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Hi all ! My name is Hoeung HEAM. You can call me Hoeung. I am from Cambodia. Currently, I am Chair of the Cambodia Physical Therapy Association (CPTA). I have about 22 years experience working directly and indirectly in rehabilitation sector in my country. I first started with an international organization as a physiotherapy for center and community-based rehabilitation in the Eastern part of the country with later two promoted positions. However, in 2010, I moved to another international organization with a new role as a rehabilitation project manager where I took 50% of my time overseeing a rehabilitation center providing service to an about 2 million population geographic area, and another 50% for working with national governmental and nongovernmental stakeholders. I learnt a lot from this my role and responsibilities for that almost two years before turning myself to be an academic student once again. In 2015, I started to work more on program management, project evaluation, and research in health, rehabilitation, and disability. Presently, represent CPTA, I am working with working group of the Ministry of Health to develop health guidelines and policies for hospital management and service, including rehabilitation.

I am very happy to be selected to this course. I hope that after the completion of this course, I will be able to:
1) understand better the of rehabilitation in health system, including the principles and theories behind,
2) Learn cost-effective models have been experimented and used that potentially be replicate in Cambodia,
3) Build network and strong support from rehabilitation in health system peers, academia, agencies, alliances
4) Learn where to obtain good resources (evidence-based data and research articles) that I can be used for supporting my work on advocacy for rehabilitation in health system, for policy development, designing of program, and for guideline and working procedure development, and informing implementation, as well as monitoring and evaluation.
5) to learn from all participants as well as sharing with them what I have had or experienced.