The gap in access of rehabilitation and AT services

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  • Author
    • #3245
      Albert Erongu

      Am Albert Erongu work for USAID ReLAB-HS as the Regional Coordinator in Northern Uganda. Rehabilitation is a health-related intervention provided to persons with functional difficulties like; Mobility, hearing, seeing, mental well-being to improve their functionality, physical health, and self-care. Most time people have a myth concept that rehabilitation is for only persons living with disability. however, anyone will require rehabilitation at one point in life. this can be due to accidents, old age, or terminal illnesses. In Uganda, access to rehabilitation is still a huge gap and working to strengthen health systems to integrate rehabilitation and AT services is my pride.

    • #3257
      [email protected]

      In Uganda the greatest gap in access of rehabilitation and AT services stems right from inadequate personnel and assistive product to serve the increasing needs of the population.
      secondly, rehabilitative services are only at the district hospital and regional referal hospitals which are very distant away from the communities where people with rehabilitation needs live, therefore limiting access to services.

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