Forum Replies Created
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Participant1. What evidence do I have (or need) to identify those factors and levels posing the greatest barriers to rehabilitation in my population?
There is need to carry out socio demographic study which will help to highlight the factors posing barrier to rehabilitation. With my years of practice, l was able to identify some of the barriers to rehabilitation such as distances to the facilities that has rehabilitation services, cost of public transport, few facilities offering rehabilitation services, poor referral by other health professional and ignorance about rehabilitation services among others.
2. How does my own professional expertise and organizational access suggest where I might be most be effective in developing and launching an intervention?
At the moment working with ReLAB-HS as rehabilitation technical officer seconded staff to Ministry of Health offering technical support to the division of Disability and Rehabilitation, am able to voice my concern on taking rehabilitation services to the last mile by advising the division to adopt the WHO training of Basic Rehabilitation Package for primary health care workers to help in task shift.
3. What formative research might be needed to understand the precise intervention that would be most appropriate and impactful towards overcoming the challenges I identify?
Carry out a research with the title of rapid assessment on the status of rehabilitation services within the targeted population
4. When considering potential interventions, what factors related to implementation do I need to consider?
The factors l can consider are; Acceptability which highlight the perception among stakeholders that the intervention is “agreeable, palatable, or satisfactory”, feasibility which help to know Whether the intervention can be successfully carried out in my setting, the cost impact of the intervention; appropriateness which is the “perceived fit, relevance, or compatibility” of the intervention with the particular stakeholder group or organization
5. What implicit biases may be at work in my culture or context and how do those implicit biases impact an individual’s ability to access and benefit from rehabilitation?
The implicit biases in my culture are socioeconomic, gender, stigma about disability and age where the healthcare service provider sees like there is no need for older persons to seek rehabilitation services because they take it as a waste of time to rehabilitate them.
[email protected]
Participant1. Using Telerehabilitation as a case study, put yourself in the shoes of an implementation facilitator, and reflect upon the fit of Telerehabilitation using the following discussion prompts:
• How does the proposed intervention fit with the priorities of your organizations?
In Uganda, Ministry of Health is mandated to handle all related health issues and within the Ministry, there is a division of Disability and Rehabilitation that handles any rehabilitation and AT issues within the country and the mission is to provide the highest possible level of health services to all people in Uganda through delivery of rehabilitative health and AT services at all levels. The division is also aligning the rehabilitation and AT strategic plan to the other health policies. Since the ministry is trying to achieve the Universal health coverage by taking rehabilitation and AT services to the last mile, embracing telerehabilitation to help in the assessment, referral and management of patients who need rehabilitation and AT services from the community or primary health care workers to rehabilitation professionals. The division is also prioritizing data capturing for rehabilitation and AT services to help in advocacy and policy for rehabilitation and AT.
• How does it fit with community values, including the values of diverse cultural groups?
The telerehabilitation Apps used by ReLAB-HS in Uganda and by the primary health care workers was designed in consultation with other stakeholders in which the community values and the diversity of the culture was taken in to consideration. It capture the vital information required by the ministry of health policy. It capture the data which was already being captured within the health facilities in addition to the rehabilitation need information.
2. Using the Telerehabilitation as a case study, put yourself in the shoes of an implementation facilitator, and reflect upon how to facilitate the Telerehabilitation using the following discussion prompts:
• What strategies could you use to target key stakeholders’ awareness, knowledge, attitudes, and intention to integrate the new intervention?
Engagement with key stakeholders at the policy level pointing out the need to shift to technology to ease service delivery in rehabilitation field. Highlighting the benefit the intervention will bring in the service delivery of rehabilitation. Enhances their knowledge on the telerehabilitation apps, how it will work and data capturing of the rehabilitation services, how the technology will help save money on human resource since the already available primary health care worker cand be trained to use the app and no need to higher rehabilitation professionals up to community level.
• What strategies could you use to target the motivation and capability of individuals and organizations to engage in implementation process strategies to integrate the new intervention?
Designing an awareness raising strategy which spells out clearly what telerehabilitation is and why telerehabilitation mode of service delivery. Pointing out the benefit of embracing telerehabilitation, the shortcoming and how it will take rehabilitation services to the last mile, the ability of data capturing and achieving more.
[email protected]
Participant1. Using your knowledge of the frameworks, what aspects of the intervention will you focus on to guide your planning and eventual success of the intervention?
I will focus more reach since it ensures adequate representation of the population at large in the sample in which the intervention is being implemented. A good representative sample can help teams make assumptions about how a particular intervention will behave when scaled up to the entire population.
2. What indicators will you use to monitor the success of the intervention on an ongoing basis? What steps will you take to ensure adequate monitoring and evaluation of the intervention?
Rehabilitation integrated into health plan, rehabilitation expenditure and multidisciplinary rehabilitation for people with complex need, this are monitored periodically to trac the progress of the system set on rehabilitation.[email protected]
Participant1. Leadership behavior can be taught vs leaders are born. What do you think? Provide your rationale and an example of a born and made leader.
To me l think leaders are born and after the identification of the traits the person have, those characteristics can be groomed to be better leaders. Though some of the leaders are taught but they should be having some interest of being a leader.2. Post your reflections on your strengths, areas that need attention, and development priorities as identified by the emotional intelligence questionnaire on the discussion board.
My strength, has been as a result of interaction with a number of professionals in the different fields that contribute to the emotional intelligence such as psychologist and embracing the motivation of oneself as a strategy of managing the situation. For the area that needs attention which is empathy, it seems l was kind of insensitive about other people. I need to invest time to get to learn people and be able to walk with them in their situation.3. Research some vision statements of various organizations. Post at least two such statements on the discussion forum and explain how these may have evolved.
A world free from torture, it was generated by a team of four medical professionals who where arrested and imprisoned and during their stay, they underwent torture. After their released, there was no special care for them and they were expected to go through the main stream treatment procedure lika any other person seeking medical care. Torture being sensitive case, need a special attention and they realised that many people go through torture and have no where to go and get rehabilitated. So they started an indigenous NGO called African centre for treatment and Rehabilitation of Torture victims with the vision a world free from torture.
4. Post your reflections on building strong leadership and increasing political support for rehabilitation of your country on the discussion board.
Strong leadership and political will is a strong dive to push for rehabilitation agenda. Since leaders and politicians are the decision makers. So by involving strong leaders, the rehabilitation agenda can easily be acheived.[email protected]
ParticipantRehabilitation is a set of designed interventions targeting optimization of functions and minimization of disabilities. It’s offered to people with functional limitations due to pain, injury, chronic illness and age related conditions. All persons can benefit from rehabilitation.