Albert Erongu

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  • in reply to: Discussion Forum 1 #3771
    Albert Erongu

    Needs assessment through surveys and research. the Systematic Assessment of Rehabilitation situation in Uganda (STARS) 2022 and rATA 2023 reflects on the gaps in accessing rehabilitation services. Access to rehabilitation facilities is one of the gaps due to the coverage, limited knowledge about rehabilitation services amongst the community members, poor support from caregivers, and costs associated with rehabilitation and AT services.

    2. Integration of rehabilitation into the health system is the key to universal health coverage through training of PHC providers in lower health facilities to provider basic rehabilitation services, recruitment of rehabilitation professions

    3.More research is required like surveys and the use of available literature through the different government ministries. The recently concluded Census plays a critical role in understanding the required interventions.

    • Feasibility – the extent to which the intervention can be successful must be determined.
    • consideration of the intervention’s acceptibility by stakeholders.
    • Sustainability; I will consider establishing strategies for how the intervention will be sustained over the long term
    • The commitment and action from the relevant stakeholders to try the intervention.
    • Fidelity-confidence that the intervention can be carried out according to the full and intended protocol
    • The relevance and compatibility of the intervention with the particular stakeholder group or organization
    • Penetration-consideration of the extent the intervention can be integrated across settings.
    • Consideration of the intervention cost impact.

    Implicit biases may include biases against persons based on race, ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic status, education etc. However, not all biases in all societies, and not everyone will hold such biases. This affects how individuals interact with the healthcare system

    in reply to: Discussion Forum 1 #3716
    Albert Erongu

    1. Using your knowledge of the frameworks, what aspects of the intervention will you focus on to guide your planning and eventual success of the intervention?
    I will focus on the target population to ensure that target participants participate in the intervention (reach), adhere to the intervention approaches, and monitor the behavior change of participants and non-participants.

    2. What indicators will you use to monitor the success of the intervention on an ongoing basis?
    The following are the indicators I will use;
    # of PHC providers trained in basic rehabilitation.
    # of Community Health Workers trained in identifying and referring community members needing rehabilitation services.
    # of PHC providers trained in assessment and provision of Assistive products (TAP)
    # of clients who have benefited from Basic rehabilitation.
    # of community members referred for rehabilitation services
    # of clients who have benefited from assistive products.

    What steps will you take to ensure adequate monitoring and evaluation of the intervention?
    First will be the development of the M&E plan during project development.
    Frequent monitoring of the project activities by the implementation team
    Developing and defining the research questions for process evaluation
    Conduct evaluation focusing on the project objectives.

    in reply to: Discussion Forum 1 #3609
    Albert Erongu

    Post your reflections on building strong leadership and increasing political support for the rehabilitation of your country on the discussion board.
    Mapping of key stakeholders is key in building a strong leadership and increasing political support for rehabilitation across all levels. In Uganda; at the national level the key stakeholders may include; the Ministry of Health, the Parliament of Uganda, the Parliaments Committee on Health, the Ministry of Education and Sport, the Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development, Implementing Partners. a National Technical Working Group can be formed comprising of key representatives from this sectors to champion the integration of rehabilitation services into the health system. The Technical working groups at the regional level can be led by the Regional Referral Hospital Directors while at the district level headed by the Chief Administrative Officers.

    in reply to: Discussion Forum 1 #3607
    Albert Erongu

    vision statement
    HealthRight International: “The gap in health outcomes between marginalized populations and the general population is eliminated”. This was established in 1989 by a Visionary HIV/AIDS clinician, Researcher, and Advocate Jonathan Mann, who believed in the then-revolutionary idea that health and human rights are inextricably linked

    in reply to: Discussion Forum 1 #3605
    Albert Erongu

    From assessment, I have strong skills in Self-awareness and empathy while motivating myself, managing emotions and social skills need attention. I believe I can build on this training in strengthening the areas with gaps.

    in reply to: Discussion Forum 1 #3604
    Albert Erongu

    Leadership behavior can be taught vs leaders are born

    Good leaders naturally inherit leadership skills and traits that they easily use to take up leadership positions. However, not everybody with these traits tends to go into leadership positions but requires a driving force or motivation to become a leader. I also believe leadership can be learned as It enables one to identify his or her potential.

    in reply to: Exercise 6 #3423
    Albert Erongu

    Much as there are many NGOs providing rehabilitation in Uganda, the coverage and accessibility of these services remain low due to scarcity. The government needs to improve the integration of rehabilitation into the health sector to effectively and efficiently meet population needs.

    in reply to: Discussion Forum 6 #3422
    Albert Erongu

    1. Several NGOs are working in Uganda; AVIS, Physiopedia, Humanity, Momentum Wheels for Humanity and Inclusion, Miracle Feet, Re-LAB HS, Comprehensive Rehabilitation Services for People with Disability in Uganda, CURE Children’s Hospital, Community Focused International, O.J Disability Foundation, Katalemwa Cheshire Home for Rehabilitation Services, African Centre for Treatment and Rehabilitation of Torture Victims (ACTV), Swiss Limb and Swiss Ability etc
    2. Uganda is using the WHO guide to action and currently, the National Strategic Plan is in the final stage for approval by the Ministry of Health.
    3. I have directly interacted with many people in need of rehabilitation and AT services. However, a huge gap still exists in communication or information about rehabilitation and, the high cost of assistive products like artificial limbs, wheelchairs, axillary crutches, etc. Some of the NGOs in the Country are providing services based on donor-targeted population categories.

    in reply to: Exercise 5 #3420
    Albert Erongu

    In Uganda, 820k years have been lived with disability.
    There has been a 124.6% increase in years lived with disability between 1990 and 2019.
    The Uganda Bureau of Statistics Census Report (UBOS 2016) indicated that 12.4% of the Ugandan
    the population lives with some form of disability implying that approximately 4.5 million Ugandans are
    persons with disability

    in reply to: Discussion Forum 5 #3418
    Albert Erongu

    According to (, Uganda key findings, 2019;

    Approximately 1 in 6 could benefit from rehabilitation.
    6,800,000 people experienced conditions that could benefit from rehabilitation where 1,500,000 people have been affected by low back pain.
    There has been a 124.6% increase in years lived with disability between 1990 and 2019.

    in reply to: Exercise 4 #3415
    Albert Erongu

    Awareness creation on the causes, management, service access points, and prevention of different disability conditions is required across all settings. this will promote early access to care and improvement in functional limitations.

    in reply to: Discussion Forum 4 #3414
    Albert Erongu

    I see all three models; moral, medical, and social. the medical model is predominant in Uganda currently social inclusion and advocacy. However, As I was raised it was considered moral due to assumed punishment or curse from God. This perception changed as time evolved to a medical model and passionate of improving the functionality of persons with disability.

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