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  • in reply to: Discussion Forum 1 #3710
    [email protected]

    1. From Rapid Assistive Technology Survey 2023 which was done in Uganda the Main barrier to wards access to rehabilitation services was that most individuals did not have knowledge where the services were being offered and those who had an idea failed to access the rehabilitation services due to lack of transports since in Uganda rehabilitation health service have not been well allocated in the main stream primary health care plan due to lack of a national strategic plan for rehabilitation and Assistive technology services.
    This left rehabilitation services at only national and regional referral hospitals.
    The lack of a clear policy on provision of rehabilitation services as made these services very hard to access and very expensive since the lack of policy as creates a vacuum as to regards budget allocation to wards rehabilitation and ATs services in Uganda.
    There is also limited advance knowledge on provision of Rehabilitation and AT services in Uganda for example the use of 3D technology as not been rolled out into the government orthopaedic workshops. The clinical health worker who handle out patients have limited knowledge on rehabilitation and AT service, this as lead to missed diagnosis of patients who would have benefited from Rehabilitation services because of not being referred to the right department.

    2. The all solution to all these barriers will be the development of the Uganda national strategic plan for rehabilitation and Assistive technology which in is in its final stage. This will address the challenge of population sensitization on the access to rehabilitation services.
    Integration of rehabilitation services into the primary health care package will bring services closer to the people to solve the change of transportation through community based health care program.
    Health Professional association should embrace CPDs to enable their professionals acquired the most current trends in technology. The government should facility its rehabilitation health workers to attain more advanced training so that they can use the most current technology in providing rehabilitation services for exampling 3D printing of stamp sockets and braces.

    3. More research should be carried our access the health workers knowledge gap towards rehabilitation and AT service provision.

    4. Factors to consider during implementation include;
    The intervention must be satisfactory to the involved stakeholders and its express good intentions for the population of Uganda.
    The intervention sound relevant and cost effective to implement. The intervention should be applicable to our local setting.
    The intervention should be easily integrated in the Uganda national health care package and should be sustainable for along time.
    5. Implicit biases towards rehabilitation include stereotyping the people from educated well off families to be understanding of the rehabilitation self care than those from rural poor un educated communities. This Implicit makes most health workers to give more attention to those from the elite class during rehabilitation.

    in reply to: Discussion Forum 1 #3676
    [email protected]

    1. The use of Telerehabilitation as an intervention to reduce the number of people with unmeant rehabilitation need in Uganda by the Uganda ministry of health fits directly with the priorities of the ministry since this reduces on the expenses required to have a rehabilitation specialist travel to different parts of the country to attend to the different clients.
    The is improved mobile network coverage and many Ugandan are now using smart phones this is evident that use of telerehabilitation will easy be adopted by different cultures since the shared information can easily be translated into different languages.
    Currently there are no cultural limitations to use of phones and the issues of privacy can be address through software encryption.
    The people in remote communities will easily appreciate telerehabilitation since they will not have to incur an extra transportation cost to have checkups and reviews during the rehabilitation process.

    2. To the different stakeholder on board I will employ the five engagement levels of the international association for public participation and this will include;- sharing information across all national media channels to alert them of the new proposed intervention and later I will have to call for a physical stakeholders meeting to consult them of what they think of the Telerehabilitation innervation since their feedback is very important and a good number of the stakeholders will be identified and involved in developing the materials to be incorporated in the telerehabilitation intervention. These stakeholders will include both the inner context like the rehabilitation professionals who will be providing the service and the managers of the facilities where they work for proper implementation of the intervention.

    To increase motivation and capacity of the individuals and organisations involved in the implementation of the telerehabilitation strategy, I will use the capacity building strategy which will include training all rehabilitation staff and facility managers involved in the implementation of the use of the telerehabilitaion software and also allocation of allowance for providing this service.

    CPDs programs will be implemented in all health facilities educate all health workers on how to advice patients on how to use this service.
    Training and advocacy to political leaders, traditional leader, the community meetings, school, churches on the use and benefits of the new proposed telerehabilitation intervention.

    in reply to: Discussion Forum 1 #3622
    [email protected]

    Well the main intervention for improving rehabilitation health services in Uganda is development of the National Strategic plan for rehabilitation and assistive technology services and the aspects of this intervention will focus on the source of information to be used, Evidence of existing rehabilitation challenges in the current health system the cost or budget required to implement the strategic plan, the advantage and adaptability of the Strategic plan especially when it comes to health worker force Uganda as a country has the required human resource.

    The following indicators will be explored when monitoring the proposed Uganda National Strategic Plan for rehabilitation and assistive technology service.
    1- Input indicators these will included the human resources and finances required in conducting training for the multidisciplinary team that will have meetings at the ministry of health to develop policies and guidelines regarding rehabilitation and ATs.
    2- The Process and Out put indicator this will measure the whether the scheduled training for example health workers on new rehabilitation interventions took place, portion of rehabilitation health workers with improved case management as per given time interval and ministerial meetings.
    3- Outcome indicator will be used to access the number patients with who rehabilitation need as been met by the rehabilitation professionals who received continuous professional development training and the Number of Assistive technology devices allocated in a given time interval.
    4- Impact indicator this will help in accessing the overall health status of the target population for example the improved livelihood of individuals living with disability thus improved overall rehabilitation services in the country.

    The steps of a continuous Monitoring and Evaluation process will be deployed for a better intervention and this will be guide by data acquired through the M & E system.

    in reply to: Discussion Forum 1 #3542
    [email protected]

    For UGANDA the National strategic plan for rehabilitation is in the final stages of approval therefore there is currently good political will towards rehabilitation. The information that was received from the four stages of the strategic plan enable national wide stakeholders engagements these have been been very important in creating awareness for different political leaders who are responsible for national budget allocation. The include the Parliament health committee and officials from the line ministries. in summary formulation of a national strategic plan is the ice braker in building strong leadership and increasing political support for rehabilitation of your country.

    in reply to: Discussion Forum 1 #3539
    [email protected]

    Uganda Allied Health Professions council Vision :
    To be the leading Health Regulatory body in protecting Society from harmful unethical professional practices in the East African region.

    This vision must have evolved after a set of individuals identified a common problem which was lack of regulation of allied health professionals in Uganda and they setup a number of objectives which would be mate so as to achieve protection of society where the allied health professionals practice.

    ISPO’s Vision
    A world where all people have equal opportunity for full participation in society.
    This ISPO vision should have evolved from a shared goal of having all human beings equal and to achieve that ISPO had to make sure they work towards enabling the disabled individuals with the required assistive technology so as to achieve their full potential.

    in reply to: Discussion Forum 1 #3532
    [email protected]

    A good leader is born with the inherent personal characteristics which give one an advantage over others but again everyone required some sort of training to make them realize and utilize the hidden potential inside them thus becoming a great leader.

    in reply to: Models of Disability #3229
    [email protected]

    Moral model is well explained like when in most African culture when a woman gives birth to a disabled child most cultures passive it as curse from the gods .

    Medical Model an example is disability due to road traffic accidents leading to amputation
    social model is more of policy issue the ministry of Gender and social development advice all public toilets to have a room modified for people with disability to enable them have better access.

    growing up in a developing country we grew up thinking disability was a curse but after receiving enough training in human development and disability management i realize disability should be analysed from the social model to enable us create a better environment for people living with disability.

    in reply to: Discussion Forum 2 #3226
    [email protected]

    In Uganda services offered in public facilities include and Orthotics , physiotherapy, occupational therapy, Eye care, Club foot care, ENT while other rehabilitation services like Speech and language services have been in only private facilities but with the approved new public service health human resource structure these professionals will be recruited and these services will be provide in public facilities.

    in reply to: Discussion Forum 3 #3224
    [email protected]

    In Uganda the interdisciplinary team model to deliver rehabilitation services is witnessed at the National (Four national referral hospitals) and regional hospitals(17 regional referral hospitals ) where the rehabilitation professionals are employed. Services at this level mainly include inpatients and outpatients services in prosthetics and Orthotics, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, Optician, ENT. The ATs services are also provided by NGOs who do most of the community outreaches and home services.

    in reply to: Discussion Forum 6 #3223
    [email protected]

    In Uganda we have a good number of NGOs offering rehabilitation and AT services and these include; AVIS, Humanity and inclusion, Miracle feet, Momentum wheels for humanity, Re-LAB HS, Comprehensive Rehabilitation Services for People with Disability in Uganda, Katalemwa Cheshire Home for Rehabilitation Services
    Swiss Limb and Swiss Ability, International Committee of the Red Cross, Motivation Africa and many more.
    Uganda is using the WHO guide to action plan that is why the National strategic plan for rehabilitation and ATs is in its final stage of ministry of health approval.
    Access to rehabilitation services is still low and a problem in government facilities due to lack of direct budget for buying materials and machines while those living in areas where the rehabilitation NGOs operate have easy access to free rehabilitation and AT services.

    in reply to: Discussion Forum 5 #3222
    [email protected]

    In Uganda 6.8 million people experience conditions that could benefit from rehabilitation services with 1.5 million are affected by chronic back pain ( https://vizhub.healthdata.org/rehabilitation/). Reports indicate that in Uganda, more than 10 lives are lost to road crashes daily. In the year 2021 alone, Uganda Police Force (UPF) reported 4,159 road crash fatalities and 12,589 serious injuries (Ministry of Works and Transport, 2021). More than half of these fatalities are among vulnerable road users: pedestrians, passengers, cyclists and motorcyclists.

    in reply to: Discussion Forum 4 #3220
    [email protected]

    Well the fact Medical model is more common to what i see in my country since very few medical professionals are informed about the care for people with disability and in the few rehabilitation facilities with well informed rehabilitation professionals the Moral model can be witnessed since these professionals understand that disability in not inability they therefore focus on how to make the affected clients adapt to their different environment by provision of the required ATs.

    in reply to: Exercise 2 #3219
    [email protected]

    I have learnt that only 10% can access rehabilitation services and therefore since rehabilitation is a very essential it should be fully integrated in all national health care systems to increase access to these services. Multidisciplinary team approach is very important if we are to achieve meaningful results during rehabilitation since there many players involved.

    in reply to: Exercise 1 #3217
    [email protected]

    enable someone to regain their lost ability or function so as to live a more meaningful life which contributes to the development of his or her community.

    in reply to: Discussion Forum 1 #3216
    [email protected]

    Good day everyone, ii am KINTU EDMUND a health administrator and an associate prosthetist Orthotist from UGANDA the pearl of Africa. I currently work with the Uganda Allied Health Professional Council under ministry of Health. I look forward to learning from rehabilitation leaders from other countries on how to Improved our services in the country and also learn effective policies that can totally transform our growing rehabilitation health sector including improving the education of our professionals.

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