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Participant1. Using Telerehabilitation as a case study, put yourself in the shoes of an implementation facilitator, and reflect upon the fit of Telerehabilitation using the following discussion prompts:
• How does the proposed intervention fit with the priorities of your organizations?
=>Increased Access to Care: telerehabilitation on improving physical activity, physical function, and quality of life in patients. Telerehabilitation is effective, safe, and feasible in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,[15] patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and patients undergoing chemotherapy.
=>Improved Efficiency: telerehabilitation services are more cost-effective and, at the same time, have the same treatment results compared to traditional (face-to-face) rehabilitation.
=>Cost-Effectiveness:Due to the moment-to-moment access to treatment, telerehabilitation improves treatment compliance, reduces trips to the doctor’s office, and ultimately improves patient satisfaction.
=>Enhanced Patient Outcomes: telerehabilitation for patients after knee arthroplasty, in contrast to traditional rehabilitation, had a better effect on functional improvement and subsequently the quality of life of patients.
• How does it fit with community values, including the values of diverse cultural groups?2. Using the Telerehabilitation as a case study, put yourself in the shoes of an implementation facilitator, and reflect upon how to facilitate the Telerehabilitation using the following discussion prompts:
June 20, 2024 at 2:05 pm in reply to: Building strong leadership and increase political support for rehabilitation #3571[email protected]
ParticipantThere are some good opportunities to develop and strengthen international standard rehabilitation in Mongolia currently. Right now, there is solid support for developing rehabilitation and integrating rehabilitation services into the health system. Although a rehabilitation mandate is already included in high-level governance documents, up to now there has not been the sustained rehabilitation leadership supported by MOH that is needed for developing effective rehabilitation policy and for forward-looking strategic planning. Inter-sectoral planning and coordination at all levels is needed. Also, there have been few opportunities for rehabilitation stakeholders to come together and collaborate in designing rehabilitation policy, rehabilitation standards, implementation guidance, and systems to monitor and evaluate progress in moving towards evidence based, international standard rehabilitation.
1. Strengthen the leadership, planning, and coordination
There are three types of ‘rehabilitation’ (in inverted commas to represent the loose use of this term) in Mongolia. The first is the rehabilitation observed in health facilities and in sanatoria and based on physical and traditional treatments, and which is linked with traditional medicine. The second is rehabilitation treatments from an earlier Soviet era, primarily electrical and physical treatments which are the most frequently seen, most familiar to all and found at all levels of the health system. And third, international standard rehabilitation provided by rehabilitation personnel trained in rehabilitation based on international standards. The latter is by far less prevalent in Mongolia and found mainly in some national centers and state hospitals in Ulaanbaatar. Building and strengthening this international standard rehabilitation in Mongolia must consider this historical and current context.
International standard rehabilitation is distinct from both other types of treatments which are called rehabilitation in Mongolia. The melding of these three understandings about rehabilitation into one concept, loosely called rehabilitation, is exacerbated by the regulatory framework of laws and Ministerial Orders. Leadership and planning are crucial for the successful strengthening of the sector based on understanding international standard rehabilitation, and the effective and efficient use of resources to underpin international standard, evidence-based rehabilitation. The leadership of rehabilitation in Mongolia requires a multi-stakeholder and multi-disciplinary rehabilitation structure to widen the platform from which it operates and increase the collaborative planning processes.[email protected]
ParticipantVery simple examples of Mongolian health services
Vision: Optimal decision- fast development
Mision:The center will contribute to provide decision-makers with evidence and data for analysis in the development of policies, legal documents, standards and guidelines for the health sector, to organize the implementation of policies for the development of the quality of health workers and health care services, and to transplant cells, tissues and organs and implement relevant laws, regulations, orders, and decisions to regulate outpatient appointment services at the national level
vision: To become a world-recognized, modern, elite, research university
mission: To contribute to social development through the pursuit of scientific research and excellent graduate education.[email protected]
ParticipantI core less on managing emotions and motivating oneself. I think help me to deal with problematic events and difficult situations and come to reasonable solutions. allow me to better identify my emotions and learn how to deal with them. allow me to control your feelings and emotions instead of letting them take control of me.
[email protected]
ParticipantHow are leaders made?
If you still think that great leaders are not made, but born, then I advise you to look back and think about those who rose above history. You will find that these people share characteristics that not only make them unique, but also help them generate innovative ideas to change the world. Are these people born leaders? No, the different contexts and challenges they face and the opportunities they present allow them to develop the skills and habits that make them inspiring role models.From Nelson Mandela to Kamala Harris to Elon Musk to Steve Jobs to Melinda Gates (the list of inspiring leaders is endless), we can notice a common trait: these people are not looking for leadership. A boss who wants to make a difference. They encountered obstacles along the way and had to work hard to keep creating and innovating with a lot of courage, no matter the circumstances. All these people have made mistakes and disappointments more than once, but they still retain the confidence, commitment and flexibility to change course if necessary.
How are leaders built in organizations?The internal and external situations that affect your organization will affect the type of leader you will have. Let’s go back to the original question: Are leaders made or born? If you believe they are born, the idea that leadership is an innate ability reserved for the few will not allow you to discover the most promising talents that can make a difference in your company as leaders.
Instead, if you think they’re done, you should remember that, with the right organizational culture and the right digital tools for professional growth, you can train and nurture leaders. Leadership so they can successfully handle any internal or external situation, from people to an Unexpected global crisis.[email protected]
ParticipantHello everyone, My name is Uyanga Gonchigsuren (Melody) from Mongolia. I am a Board member of Mongolian Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Also I am a PM&R physician at private hospital with 10 years experience working on outpatients and inpatients with different condition like orthopedic and more.
From this course I expect to increase my leadership skills, gain confidence in my knowledge and experience to become an effective leader in the sector. Learn more about systems thinking and strategies to guide teams in the design, plan and implementation of new policies and rehab and AT programs to increase access to these two health interventions.[email protected]
ParticipantIn 2016, Mongolia passed the Law on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Based on basic human rights principals, “It recognizes that disability is a natural part of human diversity that must be respected and supported in all its for People with disability have the same rights as everyone else in society.Before that we had Moral model. The saddest thing is that the Medical and Social models have been developing for last 20 years.
The most important thing to remember when you interact with people with disabilities is that they are people. Their disability is just one of the many characteristics they have. People with disabilities have the same needs we all do: first and foremost among them is to be treated with dignity and respect.
[email protected]
ParticipantRehabilitation is a set of interventions designed to optimize functioning and reduce disability in individuals with health conditions in interaction with their environment(WHO). Also rehabilitation is the care needed when a person is experiencing, or is likely to experience, limitations in everyday functioning due to aging or a health condition. The goal of rehabilitation is to improve the way an individual functions in daily life. Rehabilitation is not only for people with longterm impairments, a luxury health service!!Timely rehabilitation needs to be available to all.
[email protected]
Participantphysical and rehabilitation medical consultation, Physiotherapy, Occupational therapy, recently Prosthetic & Orthotic are provided in my country, however urban areas receive most of the services than rural, most of rural areas receive non of the services because of lack of human resource.
[email protected]
ParticipantPhysical and rehabilitation medical consultation, Physiotherapy, Occupational therapy, recently Prosthetis; Orthotic are provided in my country, however urban areas receive most of the services than rural, most of rural areas receive non of the services because of lack of human resource.
This reply was modified 9 months ago by
[email protected].
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ParticipantIn Mongolia three ministries each bear some responsibility for rehabilitation, albeit for different aspects. The Ministry for Health (MOH) is answerable for rehabilitation care and services as part of its legislated responsibility for medical care, health insurance and health policy and planning. The Ministry of Labour and Social Protection (MOLSP) is legally responsible for caring for disabled children and adults. It operates rehabilitation and training centres. The MOLSP is responsible for registering people with disabilities and providing, social security benefits and assistive products. The Ministry of Education and Science (MOES) has a legalized responsibility for educating children with disabilities, including vocational education and university education and for including appropriate rehabilitation in its educational services. The MOH aims to strengthen Mongolian rehabilitation to reach internationally accepted standards. The planning process is being undertaken with technical support from WHO, following the four-step process outlined in WHO’s Rehabilitation in Health Systems: Guide for Action package.In the Law of MONGOLIA on human rights of persons with disabilities included both the physical structures (buildings, ramps, and braille signs) and social structures.
[email protected]
Participant1. Strengthening the health system as a whole, making rehabilitation part of healthcare at all levels of the health system
2. Building capacity to provide services and assistive technology
3. Including rehabilitation as part of universal health coverage[email protected]
ParticipantMongolia is country twice size of France, but with a population of only 3,3 million people-of whom half are dispersed over 21 provinces, and half in Ulaanbataatar(capital city). Hospitals do not yet offer ortheses in acute or sub-acute treatment and such assistive technology. Of course the problem is more common in low income countries6 .But times are changing. Organizations of persons with disabilities are calling for access to modern assistive products and timely service provision. Having completed the WHO assistive technology surveys in recent years, the needs are well-recognized.
[email protected]
ParticipantTo enhance and restore functional ability and quality of life to those with disabilities (This is Uyanga, u can call me Uka from Mongolia- PM&R physician)
[email protected]
Participantto enhance and restore functional ability
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